Saturday, January 16, 2016

Luis Melendez - master of still life

I recently returned from Spain, and I was so happy to visit a National Art Museum of Catalonia in Barcelona. First of all, that was a chance to see the real works of my favorite still life master – Luis Melendez. Unfortunately, there was only one painting on exposition, but anyway I've get a wonderful experience. 
So, I would like to dedicate my post to this great painter. Here I’ve collect some pictures in a high resolution, so you could fully enjoy the masterpieces.

 Luis Melendez is one of the greatest masters of Spain of 18th century. His works are highly appreciated as well as masterpieces of famous Francisco Goya. And its hard to believe, that he dyed in poverty and obscurity. 

 The most innovation of these still lifes is a composition. All objects a very close to a viewer, like they are fall out of the picture. They absolutely fill all the space of canvas.

I like the conciseness and asceticism of color pallet as well as composition. Usually master chose a simple dishes, fruits and vegetables, typical for Spain.

 At first glance it seems that objects on the table arranged randomly, but in fact, the composition is carefully planned. Every object is on its own place, harmonized and unity with all another objects. 

 Using a strong lighting, Melendez highlights the volume of forms, texture and finest details.

 The bold free manner of painting, strong strokes and such humble tools make these still lifes absolutely unique.


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